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The Word becoming Flesh

US  10.00
  • ISBN: 9789388945783
  • Author: George Zachariah
  • Imprint: ISPCK/CWM
  • Subject: Bible and Ethics
  • Published On: 2020
  • Cover: Paperback
  • No. of Pages: 182
  • CD Included: No
  • Size (l * b): Demy


Bible is a resource that can inspire, convict, condemn, transform and heal us and our communities. Reading the Bible from locations of power and privilege makes the Bible a hegemonic weapon to perpetuate the prevailing order built on the shoulders of the subalterns. The subaltern imagination to reclaim the Word and to read their stories in the Scripture has transformed biblical texts into a counter-hegemonic resource for liberation. For those of us who continue to cherish and benefit from our caste, gender and class privilege, wrestling with the Bible, informed by the voices from the margins, can become a “Damascus experience,” unmasking our privilege and hypocrisy. This book is a compilation of biblical reflections and homilies that can inspire us to enflesh our faith even as we witness the Word becoming flesh in our midst.