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Becoming Intercultural Perspectives on Mission

US  20.00
  • ISBN: 97881949231
  • Author: Ed. Lazar T. Stanislaus, SVD ,Ed. Christian Tauchner, SVD
  • Imprint: ISPCK
  • Subject: Mission
  • Published On: 2021
  • Cover: Paperback
  • No. of Pages: 384
  • CD Included: No
  • Size (l * b): Royal


In our ways of living and working, the perspectives on mission are enriched. This book explores these aspects in three parts: The first part is dedicated to the sources of our intellectual life and mission, where the themes of the love of God, the rootedness in the Word, and our commitment to mission are dealt with. The second part deals with the ad intra aspects of intercultural living. The relationships between personality and culture are investigated. Spirituality, community, leadership, finance and formation are some of the themes that are studied which would help towards intercultural living. The third part deals with more practical aspects of doing mission interculturally. The areas of ecology, social media and family are explored as well as demands on formation and proper preparation for intercultural mission are elucidated. Becoming intercultural is a challenge as well as an opportunity which enriches mission.