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Carrying the Cross and Following Jesus

US  15.00
  • ISBN: 9788184656640
  • Author: Paul Chungath
  • Imprint: ISPCK
  • Subject: Christian Life
  • Published On: 2018
  • Cover: Paperback
  • No. of Pages: 92
  • CD Included: No
  • Size (l * b): Demy


I found the whole booklet so rich, spiritual and scriptural and appropriately backend by saints, that there was nothing in the book that could be side tracked. Going through the book I felt that the book was the creation of a person who has himself carried the cross, put into practice whatever advice he has given. To make the prick less painful whatever advice he has given. To make the prick less painful Fr. Paul suggests a few methods under the title " The Art of Bearing the Cross". This book, in short, explains to us what the cross it, its meaning, its inevitability, necessity, and its importance in spiritual life.