Women have always been marginalised by society and the church; their labour and skills, and their theological and spiritual gifts, are ignored or undervalued. It is a struggle for them to move beyond the walls of patriarchy, class, caste and gender. The book seeks to explore the the role of the Christian faith and the use of the Bible in perpetuating patriarchy and looks at ways to rediscover the liberation potential of the faith and gospel. The book lays bare the gender politics that are involved, suggesting ways in which gender justice can be achieved within the church and society. It further addresses issues of patriarchy in the church, sexuality and the human body, topics that the church has long shied away from. I am sure that this work will serve its purpose of providing churches and Christians with resources in the struggle for gender justice. Philip Vinod Peacock, Executive Secretary, World Communion of Reformed Churches Gender justice is the new wine that cannot be poured into the old wine skin of a gendered texture and nature. Birthing this new vision of being church is challenge of the hour. For this to happen, we need to engage in more critical conversations about the meaningfulness and urgency of bringing about gender-just relations in the domestic space and in the public sphere. The coming into being of a gender-just church could happen in the bargain, though not without the birth pangs. Kochurani Abraham, Vice President,Indian Theological Association and the former national convener of the Indian Christian Women′s Movement (ICWM). Dr. Aruna Gnanadason directed the programme on Women in Church and Society and the Justice, Peace and Creation work of the World Council of Churches, Geneva. She now lives in Chennai, India and resources the churches and the ecumenical movement in India and globally reflecting on the role, the challenge and the alternatives offered by the gospel in addressing the impact of patriarchy, caste and global capitalism on the people and the earth.