The Dalits live in the outskirts or margins of the village; the tribals primarily live at the mountain regions or the margins of India; the women in general, and Dalit and tribal women in particular, live at the very bottom of the society. The author proposes a triangular model for Dalits Humanization: an incarnational Dalits Christology which gives validity and dignity to every human irrespective of their socio-religious and economic background; an integrated Dalit anthropology which focus on salvation and humanization, salvation of body and soul, historical and eschatological salvation and an inclusive Dalit ecclesiology with Christocentric spirituality. A model open for theocentric humanization in the context of religious pluralism for salvation and humanization of Dalits in India so that they can regain and restore their social identity and human dignity with self-worth and equality in discriminated and dehumanized society