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Finding God in Everything

US  16.00
  • ISBN: 9788194759232
  • Author: Kuruvilla Pandikattu, SJ
  • Imprint: ISPCK
  • Subject: Spirituality
  • Published On: 2021
  • Cover: Paperback
  • No. of Pages: 270
  • CD Included: No
  • Size (l * b): Royal


Where do we find God? How do we experience Him? This book assumes that we begin our experience of God in a concrete person, event or word. From that we go to explore the larger dimensions of life and study the deeper values inherent in it. So, we move from the material to the spiritual, from the mundane to the perfect, without in any way sacrificing the material or the mundane. This book, therefore, is a modest attempt to show that we experience God in everything and nothing, in everyone and none. In our rivals and enemies, in our friends and admirers. In the good things that happen to us and in the evil ones!