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To What End the Sabbath?

US  10.00
  • ISBN: 9788184656701
  • Author: Amar Pandey
  • Imprint: ISPCK/CCA
  • Subject: Exegesis
  • Cover: Paperback
  • No. of Pages: 120
  • CD Included: No
  • Size (l * b): Demy


The Author, in To What End the Sabbath? An Exegetical Study,argues that The Sabbath was humanitarian law. The primary concern of the Sabbath day was rest from labor for everyone- rich and poor, master and slave, and even household animals.In addition to the rest/ Sabbath for the land, the sabbatical and the Jubilee years’ concern was to prevent the poor from being endlessly exploited. Now where does the Old Testament require any cultic activity from the general populace in Israel on the Sabbath . Contrary to popular belief, the Sabbath was not a day of corporate worship or assembly;It was a no work day. The day of rest in early Israelite religion, as it traversed across millennia through Judaism of the second Temple period, has been transformed into an hour or two of corporate worship in today’s Christianity. In a world where exploitation of the poor and vulnerable is widespread the author believes that recovering the essence of the Sabbath is very much essential in today’s workaholic age.Therefore, the book looks at how the Church And Christians today can respond to the Old Testament Sabbath in light of the Christ-event and the New Testament teaching. Amar Pandey is the Academic Dean of Nepal Theological College, Kathmandu, Nepal. He has also served on the faculty of Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore, India. Amar is married to Sarita and they have two children, Sujhav and Kritagyata.